Jesuits urge major UK companies to give shareholders a vote on their climate transition plans

Jesuit Missions’ campaign to get the UK government to take a strong line at the COP29 climate talks in Baku next month is one part of a broader effort by Jesuits in Britain to address climate change.

That effort also includes using investments to encourage better behaviour by companies. Jesuits in Britain are part of a group of investors calling on FTSE 100 companies to give shareholders a vote on climate action transition plans which must align with The Paris Agreement targets put forward at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21).

Together with other investors, Jesuits in Britain has recently signed a letter to a large number of companies, giving them a deadline of Friday (October 11) to respond.

The hope is that this will help ensure that large companies in the UK give shareholders the ability to hold them to account when it comes to climate action, and is part of a wider effort Jesuits have been engaging with to make corporate investment more ethical.

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Image: Unsplash/USGS

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