Who we are

Jesuit Missions is the international mission and development organisation of the Jesuits in Britain.

Lebanon Crisissupport our emergency humanitarian appeal

Our impact…

Support given to more than 43,000 ukrainians

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, thousands of refugees were given aid.

Over 100 people took part in eco-picnics

Our sustainability picnics helped raise awareness of key climate change issues.

1,000+ birthday cards sent to Fr Stan swamy

We gathered piles of 84th birthday cards for the falsely imprisoned Indian Jesuit priest.

17,660 flood victims helped in Zimbabwe

We helped rebuild communities in southern Africa who were affected by Cyclone Idai.

Our projects on the ground

We follow in our founder St Ignatius’s footsteps by working “where the need is greatest”


More than a dozen schools in Rwanda have established ‘environment clubs’ to help teach students how to protect and utilise their natural surroundings.


Working with our friends at the Jesuit Refugee Service and as part of the Xavier Network, we continue to support those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

Southern Africa

Working across five countries in Southern Africa, the projects here look to engage young people in their faith, and equip them for life in the 21st century.


From education classes for indigenous children to a series of environmental projects aimed at the country’s youth, JM’s support is helping Guyana prepare for the future.


Through various education courses, the Jesuits are supporting communities in Myanmar who have been affected by the brutal military regime there.


The Arrupe Centre is working to raise awareness about the environmental crisis in Madagascar, a country where around 90 per cent of the flora and fauna is unique.


JM supports various projects in India: from community rights groups tasked with defending the vulnerable, to addiction recovery programmes and anti-human trafficking initiatives.

South Sudan

In one of the poorest countries in the world, the Jesuits are working to build up local schools, train local women in sustainable farming techniques and minister to some of the millions of Christians.

Muna’s story

Thanks to the skills she acquired at a South Sudan college supported by Jesuit Missions, Muna has ambitions to open her own tailoring shop .

Himatbhai’s story

Himatbhai saw his village in rural India destroyed to make way for a dam. But, thanks to the support of our partners Lok Manch (People’s Fourm), he and his neighbours have been able to rebuild their lives.

help us continue our vital work

With your support, we can continue our work improving the lives of those who need it most.

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A Prayer for Generosity

Evangelii Gaudium, para 270

Jesus wants us to touch human misery, to touch the suffering flesh of others. He hopes that we will stop looking for those personal or communal niches which shelter us from the maelstrom of human misfortune and instead enter into the reality of other people’s lives and know the power of tenderness.