- Organise an event to raise awareness. Help your parish community engage with the social justice issues which impact our brothers and sisters living in the Global South.
- Whether it’s hosting a JM coffee morning, sustainability picnic, or solidarity walk! JM shares speakers who have up-to-the minute knowledge of key issues and ways to promote a more just world.
- Reach out to local leaders. Invite your local MP for a discussion, attend one of our events or demonstrations. Your voice matters!
- Fundraise for Jesuit Missions. Your donations make our work possible. We work with Jesuits and their lay collaborators who know the local issues, because they are part of the local community. Consequently, no two Jesuit Missions-supported projects are identical. This is because each location has its individual challenges. So, your money goes to a wide range of projects which address the greatest needs, whether sustainable agriculture in areas impacted by climate change or relief efforts in the wake of natural and humanitarian disasters.
- Get others involved. Volunteering is both fun and rewarding. By developing a group of volunteers in your parish you will find support and be able to create vibrant activities and events.