Why does politics matter? What does the future of politics look like? How are faith and politics linked?
The Speaker of the House of Lords, Lord McFall of Alcluith, will seek to answer these big questions as part of a talk hosted by Jesuit Missions.
Join us in the stunning Aula Magna at the London Jesuit Centre on Wednesday 20th March at 6.30pm for what promises to be an engaging evening, which will include a Q&A session and light refreshments.
Click here to reserve a space for the event, or get in touch using our contact form, or by emailing info@jesuitmissions.org.uk for more information.
Where: London Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, London, W1K 3AH
When: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 6.30pm
What: A talk and Q&A with Lord McFall of Alcluith, the Lord Speaker